This image shows Thomas Weiss

Thomas Weiss

Prof. Dr.

Professor for Theoretical Nanophysics at the University of Graz


since August 2021

Full Professor for Theoretical Nanophysics at the University of Graz.

August 2020 to July 2021

Apl. Professor at the University of Stuttgart.

Topics: Chiral nanophotonics, photonic quantum technologies, nonlinear optics, resonant-state expansion.


Junior Professor at the University of Stuttgart and Research Center SCoPE.

Topics: Chiral and non-reciprocal plasmonics, hybrid quantum and plasmonic systems.

August 2011 to July 2013

Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (Erlangen), group of Prof. Dr. Philip St.J. Russell.

Topics: Twisted photonic crystal fibers, low loss hollow-core bandgap fibers.

October 2008 to July 2011

Ph.D. student in Stuttgart (Germany) and Clermont-Ferrand (France).

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Harald Giessen (Germany), Prof. Dr. Gérard Granet (France), and Prof. Dr. Nikola A. Gippius (France).

Topic: "Advanced coordinate transformation methods in the Fourier modal method for the derivation of the optical properties of metallic 2d and 3d nanostructures by numerical and semianalytical calculations".

Grade: "summa cum laude" (excellent).

2002 to 2008

Study at University of Stuttgart, Diploma of physics, overall grade "sehr gut" (excellent).

  • Diploma thesis at 4th Physics Institute, grade "sehr gut" (excellent).
    Topic: "Adaptive spatial resolution and factorization rules in an optical S-matrix approach: Improved convergence for 1d and 2d metallic photonic crystals and metamaterials".
  • Main Diploma exams in 2007, overall grade "sehr gut" (excellent).
    Elective subjects: Astrophysics and semiconductor physics.
  • Internship at the 4th Physics Institute in 2007.
    Topic: "Simulation of non-linear pulse propagation in optical fibers by the split-step Fourier method".
  • Pre-diploma in physics in 2005, overall grade "sehr gut" (excellent).
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